Wedding photography Marketing Vectors
Well designed website is allowing to attract more visitors. External publications in wedding magazines and on various local authorities helped business to grow fast as main brand were becoming more popular.
In our marketing strategy, in addition to Search SEO activities we also utilized Facebook Ads channel to drive laser-targeted visitors from social vector.
Social Media Approach
Facebook Ads Marketing campaign was created to target potential wedding photographers with laser-targeted audience segmentation.
Our main target is to find who recently changed their status to engaged using Facebook audiences tool.
Happy business owner currently getting organic leads for her business and paid leads from facebook on demand when she really needs it.
Local SEO Advantage
> Setting & Powering Up Google My Business
> Publishing in wedding magazines, local authorities
> Promoting Special wedding Photography offers
- Took 6 months for 3x overall organic traffic growth.
+76.12% - Increase in online enquiries
It is a result of overall improvement with on-site and off-site and start of marketing activities.